Summer Undergraduate Courses

Summer Course Offerings


For course scheduling details, please refer to the Arts & Science Timetable. For rooming information, please check ACORN.

Course Code
First Term (May-June)
JLP315H1 F  Language Aquisition J. Jaffan MW 10-13
LIN101H1 F
Introduction to Linguistics: Sound Structure
Z. Fu MW 13-15
LIN200H1 F
Introduction to Language
L. Donohue
MW 15-17
LIN228H1 F
K. Nara
TR 19-21
LIN241H1 F
Introduction to Semantics A. Kiss
TR 12-14
LIN251H1 F Introduction to Sociolinguistics K.Woolford MW 19-21
Second Term (July-August)
JLP374H1 S  Psychology of Language D. Heller TR 10-13
LIN102H1 S
Introduction to Linguistics: Sentence Structure and Meaning
K. Bamba
MW 15-17
LIN201H1 S
Canadian English N. Takhtaganova MW 10-12 
LIN204H1 S English Grammar W. Williams MW 19-21
LIN229H1 S
Sound Patterns in Language
M. Percival
TR 19-21


For course scheduling details, please refer to the Arts & Science Timetable.

Course Code
First Term (May-June)
LIN101H1 F
Introduction to Linguistics: Sound Structure
P. Jurgec
TR 14-16
LIN200H1 F
Introduction to Language
H. Liu
MW 14-16
LIN228H1 F
K. Ariyaee
MW 14-16
SS 1070
LIN232H1 F
Syntactic Patterns in Language
L. Donohue
TR 10-12
BL 112
Second Term (July-August)
LIN102H1 S
Introduction to Linguistics: Sentence Structure and Meaning
K. Bamba
TR 19-21
LIN204H1 S
English Grammar
W. Williams
TR 19-21
SS 2118
LIN229H1 S
Sound Patterns in Language
R. Craioveanu
MW 19-21
SS 2111
LIN241H1 S
Introduction to Semantics
A. Kiss
TR 10-12
SS 2111
LIN306H1 S
Language Diversity and Language Universals
G. Thomas
TR 14-16
JLP374H1 S
Psychology of Language
G. Antono
MW 10-13
SS 2125


For course scheduling details, please refer to the Arts & Science Timetable.

Course Code Title Instructor Day/Time Room
First Term (May-June)
LIN101H1 F Introduction to Linguistics: Sound Structure A. Munteanu TR 19-21 SS2127
LIN200H1 F Introduction to Language S. Lima MW 9-11 Online
LIN203H1 F English Words S. Jambrović TR 19-21 SS1070
LIN228H1 F Phonetics E. Blamire MW 19-21 SS2127
LIN232H1 F Syntactic Patterns in Language A. Peters TR 10-12 SS1084
LIN331H1 F Syntactic Theory V. Partida Peñalva, S. Taghipour TR 14-17 SS1086
JLP315H1 F Language Acquisition E. Pettibone MW 10-13 SS2105
Second Term (July-August)
LIN102H1 S Introduction to Linguistics: Sentence Structure and Meaning K. Bamba TR 19-21 SS1070
LIN204H1 S English Grammar G. Klassen TR 19-21 SS2118
LIN229H1 S Sound Patterns in Language R. Craioveanu MW 19-21 SS1086
LIN306H1 S Language Diversity and Language Universals G. Thomas TR 14-17 Online
JLP374H1 S Psychology of Language L. Sullivan MW 10-13 SS1084


For course scheduling details, please refer to the Arts & Science Timetable.

Course Code Title Instructor
First Term (May-June)
LIN101H1 F Introduction to Linguistics: Sound Structure A. Munteanu
LIN203H1 F English Words E. Melara
LIN228H1 F Phonetics E. Blamire
LIN232H1 F Syntactic Patterns in Language A. Peters
JLP374H1 F Psychology of Language  C. Chapman
Second Term (July-August)
LIN102H1 S Introduction to Linguistics: Sentence Structure and Meaning K. Bamba
LIN200H1 S Introduction to Language R. Craioveanu
LIN204H1 S English Grammar H. Yawney
LIN241H1 S Introduction to Semantics A. Kiss
LIN251H1 S Introduction to Sociolinguistics K. Pabst
JLP315H1 S Language Acquisition  C. Chapman


For course scheduling details, please refer to the Arts & Science Timetable.

Course Code Title Instructor
First Term (May-June)
LIN101H1 F Introduction to Linguistics: Sound Structure R. Maddeaux
LIN203H1 F English Words I. Nicoll
LIN228H1 F Phonetics E. Blamire
LIN251H1 F Introduction to Sociolinguistics K. Pabst
JLP315H1 F Language Acquisition C. Chapman
Second Term (July-August)
LIN102H1 S Introduction to Linguistics: Sentence Structure and Meaning K. Bamba
LIN200H1 S Introduction to Language R. Prazeres
LIN204H1 S English Grammar H. Liu
LIN229H1 S Sound Patterns in Language R. Craioveanu
LIN232H1 S Syntactic Patterns in Language K. Moulton
JLP374H1 S Psychology of Language N. Kim


For course scheduling details, please refer to the Arts & Science Timetable.

Course Code Title Instructor
First Term (May-June)
LIN101H1 F Introduction to Linguistics: Sound Structure K. Bamba
LIN203H1 F English Words E. Melara
LIN228H1 F Phonetics E. Blamire
LIN241H1 F Introduction to Semantics T. Yokoyama
LIN306H1 F Language Diversity and Language Universals R. Craioveanu
JLP315H1 F Language Acquisition Z. Palta
Second Term (July-August)
LIN102H1 S Introduction to Linguistics: Sentence Structure and Meaning D. Milway
LIN200H1 S Introduction to Language R. Maddeaux
LIN204H1 S English Grammar H. Yawney
LIN229H1 S Sound Patterns in Language R. Godfrey
JLP374H1 S Psychology of Language P. Murphy


Course Code Title Instructor Day/Time Room
First Term (May-June)
LIN101H1 F Introduction to Linguistics:
Sound Structure
K. Bamba TR 19-21 SS 2127
LIN203H1 F English Words O. Tararova TR 19-21 SS 1070
LIN228H1 F Phonetics E. Blamire MW 19-21 SS 2127
LIN232H1 F Syntactic Patterns in Language J. Doner TR 19-21 SS 2111
LIN306H1 F Language Diversity J. Doner TR 14-17 SS 2111
JLP315H1 F Language Acquisition E. Takahashi MW 14-17 SS 1086
Second Term (July-August)
LIN102H1 S Introduction to Linguistics:
Sentence Structure and Meaning
R. Godfrey TR 19-21 SS 1070
LIN200H1 S Introduction to Language R. Craioveanu MW 19-21 SS 2127
LIN204H1 S English Grammar N. LaCara TR 19-21 SS 2127
LIN251H1 S Introduction to Sociolinguistics J. Carrier TR 19-21 SS 1086
LIN331H1 S Syntactic Theory N. LaCara TR 14-17 SS 1072
JLP374H1 S Psychology of Language R. Tollan MW 14-17 SS 1072


Course Code Title Instructor Day/Time Room
First Term (May-June)
LIN101H1 F Introduction to Linguistics:
Sound Structure
R. Godfrey TR 19-21 SS 1085
LIN203H1 F English Words A. Dinkin TR 19-21 RW 117
LIN228H1 F Phonetics E. Blamire MW 19-21 UC 161
LIN306H1 F Language Diversity J. Doner
C. Forbes
TR 14-17 BL 114
JLP315H1 F Language Acquisition E. Hall MW 14-17 SS 1086
Second Term (July-August)
LIN102H1 S Introduction to Linguistics:
Sentence Structure and Meaning
J. Carrier TR 19-21 SS 1085
LIN200H1 S Introduction to Language P. Howson MW 19-21 SS 2106
LIN204H1 S English Grammar D. Milway TR 19-21 RW 117
LIN229H1 S Sound Patterns in Language C. Harvey MW 19-21 LM 158
LIN241H1 S Semantics T. Yokoyama TR 19-21 LM 158
JLP374H1 S Psychology of Language R. Tollan MW 14-17 SS 1086