Fall-Winter Undergraduate Courses

For course scheduling mode and details, please refer to the Arts & Science Timetable.  Course offerings subject to change.

Fall 2024

Course  Code Title Instructor Day/Time Building 
LIN101H1 F Introduction to Linguistics: Sound Structure P. Umbal
A. Kiss
Tu 13-15
Tu 17-19
(LEC0101) NF
(LEC5101) HS
LIN192H1 F Sustaining Indigenous Languages T. J. Brant Tu 15-17 NB
LIN195H1 F Babel: Language in the Mind of Speakers D. Heller M 13-15 UC
LIN196H1 F Language and Communication  M. Ippolito W 13-15 UC
LIN200H1 F Introduction to Language P. Mateo Pedro Tu 13-15  MC
LIN202H1 F Introduction to Indigenous Languages of the Americas P. Mateo Pedro W 15-17 SS
LIN204H1 F English Grammar W. Williams M 18-20 HS
LIN211H1 F American Sign Language 1 A. Byrne Tu 18-20,
Th 18-19
LIN228H1 F Phonetics A. Kochetov Th 13-15 SS
LIN232H1 F Syntactic Patterns in Language S. Béjar W 13-15 WI
LIN251H1 F Introduction to Sociolinguistics P. Umbal M 14-16 UC
LIN302H1 F South American Indigeounous Languages CANCELLED    
LIN306H1 F Language Diversity and Language Universals S. Lima Th 13-15 OI
LIN322H1 F Phonological Theory S. Akinbo W 9-12 SS
LIN323H1 F Acoustic Phonetics M. Chasin Tu 9-11 RW
LIN341H1 F Semantic Theory G. Thomas M 10-13 SS
LIN432H1 F Advanced Morphology M. C. Cuervo W 15-17 NF
LIN456H1 F Language Variation and Change: Theory and Analysis S. Tagliamonte W 13-15,
Th 13-14
LIN458H1 F Revitalizing Languages R. DeCaire Th 13-15 UC
JAL355H1 F Language and Gender P. Umbal Th 10-12 SS
JLP374H1 F Psychology of Language I. Bondoc Tu 13-16 UC
JLP471H1 F Advanced Psycholinguistics: Bilingualism and Multilingualism in Clinical Populations I. Bondoc Th 15-17 SS
JLS475H1 F Literacy and Reading Disorders J. Leggett Th 18-21 UC
JLS476H1 F Linguistics in the Workforce: Clinical Practice and Research T. Edelist M 14-17 UC


Winter 2025

Course Code Title Instructor Day/Time Building
LIN102H1 S Introduction to Linguistics: Sentence Structure and Meaning I. Bondoc
N. Takhtaganova
Tu 13-15
Tu 17-19
LIN194H1 S The Science Behind Our Accents A. Kochetov Tu 10-12 UY
LIN198H1 S Language Diversity P. Mateo Pedro W 15-17 UC
LIN200H1 S Introduction to Language P. Umbal Tu 13-15 MC
LIN201H1 S Canadian English P. Umbal W 13-15 RW
LIN206H1 S Languages of the World G. Thomas Th 16-18 SS
LIN207H1 S  Language and Technology G. Thomas M 13-15 SS
LIN208H1 S  Linguistic Discrimination and Justice S. Jackson Th 13-15 BL
LIN211H1 S American Sign Language 1 A. Byrne Tu 18-20,
Th 18-19
LIN229H1 S Phonological Patterns in Language S. Akinbo M 13-15 UC
LIN241H1 S Introduction to Semantics M. Ippolito Th 13-15 SS
LIN305H1 S Quantitative Methods in Linguistics I. Bondoc M 13-15,
W 13-14
LIN331H1 S  Syntactic Theory K. Moulton W 13-15 SS
LIN333H1 S Morphological Patterns in Language S. Béjar Th 13-16 WI
LIN351H1 S Sociolinguistic Patterns in Language N. Nagy Tu 10-12 SS
LIN409H1 S Structure of a Specific Language: Mayan Languages P. Mateo Pedro Th 10-12 SU
LIN423H1 S Phonetic Analysis A. Kochetov W 13-16 LM
LIN429H1 S Research in Phonology   CANCELLED  
LIN490H1 S Special Topics in Linguistics: Measuring and Mitigating Language Discrimination S. Jackson Th 13-15 BL
JAL328H1 S Writing Systems K. Bamba M 16-19 UC
JAL401H1 S Field Linguistics S. Lima T 16-18,
Th 16-18
JFL388H1 S **  Bilingualisim, Multilingualism, and Second language Aquisition S. Bello Tu 15-17 TF
JLP315H1 S Language Acquisition M. Grigoroglou W 14-17 SS
JLP471H1 S Advanced Psycholinguistics: Cognitive Mechanisms for Sentence Processing D. Heller Tu 12-15 UC
JLS472H1 S Child Language Disorders E. Katz Tu 9-12 SS
JLS473H1 S Adult Speech and Language Disorders R. Jokel Tu 10-13 RU


**This is a joint course between French and Linguistics. Please note that it is administered by French. Please contact the French Department if you have any questions

PDF iconNew LIN General Interest Courses Winter 2025 


For course scheduling mode and details, please refer to the Arts & Science Timetable.  Course offerings subject to change.

Fall 2023

Course  Code Title Instructor Day/Time Building 
LIN101H1 F Introduction to Linguistics: Sound Structure A. Kochetov (LEC0101) Tu 13-15
(LEC5101) Tu 17-19
LIN192H1 F Sustaining Indigenous Languages T. Brant Tu 15-17 NB 
LIN194H1 F The Science Behind our Accents   CANCELLED  
LIN196H1 F Language and Communication  M. Ippolito M 13-15 RL
LIN200H1 F Introduction to Language I. Bondoc , P. Umbal Th 13-15  Online
LIN202H1 F Introduction to Indigenous Languages of the Americas P. Mateo Pedro Th 13-15 SS 
LIN203H1 F English Words M. C. Cuervo, L. Donohue W 13-15 BA
LIN228H1 F Phonetics N. Sanders Th 17-19 SS 
LIN232H1 F Syntactic Patterns in Language S. Béjar W 13-15 WI 
LIN251H1 F Introduction to Sociolinguistics P. Umbal M 13-15 SS
LIN303H1 F Central American Indigeounous Languages P. Mateo Pedro M 15-17 WI 
LIN322H1 F Phonological Theory N. Sanders T 17-20 SS 
LIN323H1 F Acoustic Phonetics M. Chasin Tu 9-11 SS 
LIN331H1 F Syntactic Theory K. Moulton  Th 13-16 SS 
LIN341H1 F Semantic Theory M. Ippolito W 13-16 SS 
LIN409H1 F Structure of a Specific Language G. Thomas Th 13-15 SS 
LIN429H1 F Research in Phonology   CANCELLED  
LIN439H1 F Research in Syntax M. C. Cuervo Tu 13-15 SS 
LIN456H1 F Language Variation and Change: Theory and Analysis P. Umbal M 10-11, W 10-12 SU 
LIN458H1 F Revitalizing Languages R. DeCaire Th 10-12 SS 
JAL355H1 F Language and Gender N. Takhtaganova M 11-13 SS
JLP374H1 F Psychology of Language I. Bondoc Tu 13-16 SS 
JLS472H1 F Child Language Disorders E. Katz T 9-12 UC
JLS475H1 F Literacy and Reading Disorders J. Leggett W 18-21 WI


Winter 2024

Course Code Title Instructor Day/Time Room
LIN102H1 S Introduction to Linguistics: Sentence Structure and Meaning S. Lima, A. Kiss
(LEC0101) Tu 13-15
(LEC5101) Tu 17-19
(LEC0101) Online
(LEC5101) MS 
LIN195H1 S  Babel: Language in the Mind of Speakers D. Heller Th 13-15 WO
LIN198H1 S Language Diversity P. Mateo Pedro W 13-15 UC 
LIN200H1 S Introduction to Language P. Mateo Pedro, P. Umbal Th 13-15 BT 
LIN201H1 S Canadian English   CANCELLED      
LIN204H1 S English Grammar W. Williams W 17-19 MS 
LIN211H1 S American Sign Language 1 A. Byrne Tu 18-20, Th 18-19 Online
LIN229H1 S Phonological Patterns in Language S. Akinbo W 13-15 SS 
LIN241H1 S Introduction to Semantics G. Thomas Tu 11-13 SS
LIN305H1 S Quantitative Methods in Linguistics I. Bondoc Tu 11-13, Th 11-12 Online
LIN306H1 S Languate Diversity and Language Universals S. Lima M 10-12 OI 
LIN333H1 S Morphological Patterns in Language S. Béjar Th 13-16 SS 
LIN351H1 S Sociolinguistic Patterns in Language P. Umbal W 10-12 SS 
LIN362H1 S  Historical Linguistics A. Kochetov Tu 13-15 SS 
LIN402H1 S Linguistic Typology and Constructed Languages N. Sanders Tu 15-18 SS 
LIN423H1 S Phonetic Analysis A. Kochetov Th 15-18 TBD
LIN432H1 S  Advanced Morphology S. Béjar Tu 13-15 UC 
LIN441H1 S Advanced Semantics and Pragmatics M. Ippolito Th 13-15 UC 
JAL328H1 S Writing Systems   CANCELLED  
JAL401H1 S Field Linguistics S. Lima M 17-19, W 17-19 MY
JLP315H1 S Language Acquisition M. Grigoroglou W 14-17 SS 
JLP471H1 S Advanced Psycholinguistics I. Bondoc M 11-13 SS 
JLS473H1 S Adult Speech and Language Disorders R. Jokel Tu 10-13 RU 
JLS476H1 S Linguisitcs in the Workforce: Clinical Practice and Research T. Edelist W 13-16 RU 




For course scheduling mode and details, please refer to the Arts & Science Timetable.  Course offerings subject to change.

Fall 2022

Course  Code Title Instructor Day/Time Room 
LIN101H1 F Introduction to Linguistics: Sound Structure N. Sanders Tu 13-15, 17-19 (LEC0101) MS 3153
(LEC5101) BR 200
LIN192H1 F Sustaining Indigenous Languages T. Brant Tu 15-17 NB 229
LIN200H1 F Introduction to Language R. Craioveanu, J. Yeung M 9-11 Online
LIN202H1 F Introduction to Indigenous Languages of the Americas P. Mateo Pedro M 16-18 SS 1073
LIN203H1 F English Words M. Brook W 17-19 NF 003
LIN228H1 F Phonetics A. Kochetov Th 16-18 SS 2102
LIN232H1 F Syntactic Patterns in Language I. Bondoc W 13-15 EM 001
LIN241H1 F Introduction to Semantics N. Todorović Tu 10-12 WI 1016
LIN251H1 F Introduction to Sociolinguistics N. Nagy M 13-15 TBA
LIN302H1 F South American Indigenous Languages S. Lima Tu 9-12 SS 1086
LIN306H1 F Language Diversity and Universals S. Lima W 15-17 LM 157
LIN322H1 F Phonological Theory K. Rice M 14-15, W 13-15 SS 1069
LIN323H1 F Acoustic Phonetics M. Chasin Tu 9-11 SS 1088
LIN341H1 F Semantic Theory G. Thomas Th 13-16 SS 2110
LIN405H1 F Advanced Quantitative Methods in Linguistics I. Bondoc M 15-18 RW 109
LIN409H1 F Structure of a Specific Language K. Rice Th 13-15 SS 1080
LIN456H1 F Language Variation and Change: Theory and Analysis N. Nagy M 10-11, W 10-12 (M) WI 523
(W) SS 2111
JAL355H1 F Language and Gender M. Brook Th 10-12 VC 206
JAL401H1 F Field Linguistics P. Mateo Pedro Tu/Th 16-18 WW 120
JLP374H1 F Psychology of Language I. Bondoc Tu 13-16 SS 1073
JLS472H1 F Child Language Disorders E. Katz Th 9-12 SS 1074
JLS475H1 F Literacy and Reading Disorders J. Leggett Tu 18-21 SS 2105


Winter 2023

Course Code Title Instructor Day/Time Room
LIN102H1 S Introduction to Linguistics: Sentence Structure and Meaning N. Todorović, L. Donohue Tu 13-15, 17-19
(LEC0101) MS 3153
(LEC5101) BA 1160
LIN194H1 S The Science Behind Our Accents A. Kochetov W 13-15 SS 6027A
LIN198H1 S Language Diversity P. Mateo Pedro Th 14-16 WI 523
LIN199H1 S Exploring Heritage Languages N. Nagy Tu 10-12 WE 75
LIN200H1 S Introduction to Language M. Brook Th 17-19 NF 003
LIN201H1 S Canadian English M. Brook M 16-18 SS 6027G
LIN204H1 S English Grammar S. Jambrović, W. Williams W 17-19 MC 102
LIN211H1 S American Sign Langauge 1 D. Wiesblatt Tu 18-20, Th 18-19 Online
LIN229H1 S Phonological Patterns in Language P. Jurgec W 14-16 SS 4083
LIN305H1 S Quantitative Methods in Linguistics I. Bondoc Tu 18-20, Th 18-19 Online
LIN331H1 S Syntactic Theory N. Todorović M 13-16 SS 4059
LIN333H1 S Morphological Patterns in Language M. Brook W 9-12 SS 6027G
LIN351H1 S Sociolinguistic Patterns in Language N. Nagy Th 13-15 SS 4072
LIN429H1 S Research in Phonology P. Jurgec W 10-12 SS 1080
LIN458H1 S Revitalizing Languages P. Mateo Pedro W 17-19 SS 1086
JAL328H1 S Writing Systems R. Craioveanu M 10-13 SS 4089
JLP315H1 S Language Acquisition M. Grigoroglou W 16-19 KP 108
JLP471H1 S Advanced Psycholinguistics I. Bondoc M 10-12 SS 6027C
JLS473H1 S Adult Speech and Language Disorders R. Jokel Tu 9-12 CR 403




For course scheduling mode and details, please refer to the Arts & Science Timetable.  Course offerings subject to change.

Fall 2021

Course Code Title Instructor
LIN101H1 F Introduction to Linguistics:
Sound Structure
N. Sanders
LIN196H1 F Language and Communication M. Ippolito
LIN200H1 F Introduction to Language S. Lima
LIN203H1 F English Words M. Brook
LIN228H1 F Phonetics A. Kochetov
LIN232H1 F Syntactic Patterns in Language K. Moulton
LIN251H1 F Introduction to Sociolinguistics M. Brook
LIN303H1 F Central American Indigenous Languages P. Mateo Pedro
LIN306H1 F Language Diversity and Language Universals S. Lima
LIN322H1 F Phonological Theory K. Rice
LIN323H1 F Acoustic Phonetics M. Chasin
LIN333H1 F Morphological Patterns in Language S. Bejar
LIN341H1 F Semantic Theory G. Thomas
LIN405H1 F Advanced Quantitative Methods in Linguistics I. Bondoc
LIN456H1 F Language Variation and Change:
Theory and Analysis
N. Nagy
LIN458H1 F Revitalizing Languages P. Mateo Pedro
JAL355H1 F Language and Gender L. Konnelly
JLP374H1 F Psychology of Language I. Bondoc
JLS472H1 F Child Language Disorders E. Katz
JLS475H1 F Literacy and Reading Disorders J. Leggett


Winter 2022

Course Code Title Instructor
LIN102H1 S Introduction to Linguistics:
Sentence Structure and Meaning
K. Moulton & S. Bejar
LIN192H1 S Sustaining Indigenous Languages T. J. Brant
LIN198H1 S Language Diversity P. Mateo Pedro
LIN199H1 S Exploring Heritage Languages N. Nagy
LIN200H1 S Introduction to Language M. Brook
LIN202H1 S Introduction to Indigenous Languages of the Americas P. Mateo Pedro
LIN204H1 S English Grammar I. Bondoc
LIN211H1 S American Sign Language 1 D. Wiesblatt
LIN229H1 S Sound Patterns in Language N. Sanders
LIN241H1 S Introduction to Semantics M. Ippolito
LIN302H1 S South American Indigenous Languages S. Lima
LIN305H1 S Quantitative Methods in Linguistics I. Bondoc
LIN331H1 S Syntactic Theory S. Bejar
LIN351H1 S Sociolinguistic Patterns in Language M. Brook
LIN362H1 S Historical Linguistics A. Kochetov
LIN409H1 S Structure of a Specific Language K. Rice
LIN423H1 S Phonetic Analysis A. Kochetov
LIN429H1 S Research in Phonology P. Jurgec
LIN432H1 S Advanced Morphology M. C. Cuervo
LIN481H1 S Introduction to Analysis and Argumentation M. Ippolito
JAL328H1 S Writing Systems K. Nara
JAL401H1 S Field Linguistics S. Lima
JLP315H1 S Language Acquisition M. Grigoroglou
JLP471H1 S Advanced Psycholinguistics D. Heller
JLS473H1 S Adult Speech and Language Disorders R. Jokel


Last updated 22 July 2021.

Fall 2020

Course Code Title Instructor
LIN101H1 F Introduction to Linguistics:
Sound Structure
P. Jurgec
LIN196H1 F Language and Communication M. Ippolito
LIN198H1 F Language Diversity G. Thomas
LIN200H1 F Introduction to Language S. Lima
N. Sanders
LIN201H1 F Canadian English M. Brook
LIN203H1 F English Words M. Brook
I. Nicoll
LIN228H1 F Phonetics N. Sanders
LIN232H1 F Syntactic Patterns in Language O. Kharytonava
LIN251H1 F Introduction to Sociolinguistics N. Nagy
LIN322H1 F Phonological Theory K. Rice
LIN323H1 F Acoustic Phonetics M. Chasin
LIN341H1 F Semantic Theory M. Ippolito
JLP374H1 F Psychology of Language N. Kim
LIN456H1 F Language Variation and Change:
Theory and Analysis
N. Nagy
JLS472H1 F Child Language Disorders E. Katz
JLS475H1 F Literacy and Reading Disorders J. Leggett


Winter 2021

Course Code Title Instructor
LIN102H1 S Introduction to Linguistics:
Sentence Structure and Meaning
S. Bejar
O. Kharytonava
LIN195H1 S Babel: Language in the Mind of Speakers D. Heller
LIN199H1 S Exploring Heritage Languages N. Nagy
LIN200H1 S Introduction to Language M. Brook
K. Bamba
LIN204H1 S English Grammar E. Melara
H. Yawney
LIN229H1 S Sound Patterns in Language N. Sanders
LIN241H1 S Introduction to Semantics G. Thomas
LIN305H1 S Quantitative Methods in Linguistics N. Sanders
LIN306H1 S Language Diversity and Language Universals S. Lima
JLP315H1 S Language Acquisition M. Grigoroglou
LIN331H1 S Syntactic Theory K. Moulton
LIN351H1 S Sociolinguistic Patterns in Language M. Brook
JAL401H1 S Field Linguistics S. Lima
LIN402H1 S Linguistic Typology and Constructed Languages N. Sanders
LIN409H1 S Structure of a Specific Language K. Rice
LIN441H1 S Advanced Semantics and Pragmatics M. Ippolito
LIN458H1 S Revitalizing Languages P. Mateo Pedro
JLP471H1 S Advanced Psycholinguistics D. Heller
JLS473H1 S Adult Speech and Language Disorders R. Jokel
LIN481H1 S Introduction to Analysis and Argumentation G. Thomas
LIN490H1 S Special Topics in Linguistics P. Mateo Pedro

Fall 2019

Course Code Title Instructor
LIN101H1 F
LEC 0101
Introduction to Linguistics:
Sound Structure
P. Jurgec
LIN101H1 F
LEC 5101
Introduction to Linguistics:
Sound Structure
P. Jurgec
LIN196H1 F Language and Communication M. Ippolito
E. Gold
LIN197H1 F Language and Social Justice N. Sanders
LIN200H1 F Introduction to Language N. Sanders
LIN203H1 F English Words M. Brook
LIN228H1 F Phonetics N. Sanders
LIN232H1 F Syntactic Patterns in Language K. Moulton
LIN251H1 F Introduction to Sociolinguistics M. Brook
LIN306H1 F Language Diversity and Language Universals S. Lima
LIN322H1 F Phonological Theory K. Rice
JAL328H1 F Writing Systems K. Nara
LIN331H1 F Syntactic Theory S. Béjar
LIN333H1 F Morphological Patterns in Language K. Moulton
LIN341H1 F Semantic Theory M. Ippolito
N. Francis
JLP374H1 F Psychology of Language C. Chapman
JAL401H1 F Field Linguistics S. Lima
LIN423H1 F Phonetic Analysis A. Kochetov
LIN458H1 F Revitalizing Languages B.J. Maracle
JLS472H1 F Child Language Disorders E. Katz


Winter 2020

Course Code Title Instructor
LIN102H1 S
LEC 0101
Introduction to Linguistics:
Sentence Structure and Meaning
S. Béjar
LIN102H1 S
LEC 5101
Introduction to Linguistics:
Sentence Structure and Meaning
S. Béjar
LIN198H1 S Language Diversity G. Thomas
LIN200H1 S Introduction to Language N. Sanders
LIN201H1 S Canadian English M. Brook
LIN204H1 S English Grammar H. Liu
LIN229H1 S Sound Patterns in Language P. Jurgec
LIN241H1 S Introduction to Semantics G. Thomas
LIN305H1 S Quantiative Methods in Linguistics N. Sanders
JLP315H1 S Language Acquisition Z. Palta
LIN323H1 S Acoustic Phonetics M. Chasin
LIN351H1 S Sociolinguistic Patterns in Language M. Brook
JAL355H1 S Language and Gender L. Konnelly
LIN402H1 S Linguistic Typology and Constructed Languages N. Sanders
LIN409H1 S Structure of a Specific Language K. Rice
LIN432H1 S Advanced Morphology M.C. Cuervo
LIN439H1 S Research in Syntax K. Moulton
JLP471H1 S Advanced Psycholinguistics D. Heller
JLS473H1 S Adult Speech and Language Disorders - in RU 453 R. Jokel
LIN481H1 S Introduction to Analysis and Argumentation K. Moulton
LIN490H1 S Special Topics in Linguistics:
Issues in the Semantics and Pragmatics of Speech and Gesture
N. Francis

Fall 2018

Course Code Title Instructor Day/Time Room
TBB199H1 F
LEC 0281
Language in Canadian Society J.K. Chambers W 14-16 SS 581
TBB199H1 F
LEC 0282
Language and Advertising D. Heller W 14-16 AH 304
TBB199H1 F
Language and Social Justice N. Sanders M 14-16 AH 304
LIN101H1 F
LEC 0101
Introduction to Linguistics:
Sound Structure
M. Brook T 13-15 OI G162
LIN101H1 F
LEC 5101
Introduction to Linguistics:
Sound Structure
M. Brook T 18-20 MS 3153
LIN200H1 F Introduction to Language N. Sanders R 19-21 PB B150
LIN201H1 F Canadian English M. Brook M 17-19 SS 1084
LIN203H1 F English Words E. Melara W 18-20 PB B150
LIN228H1 F Phonetics N. Sanders M 10-12 KP 108
LIN232H1 F Syntactic Patterns in Language N. LaCara R 14-16 SS 2117
LIN323H1 F Acoustic Phonetics M. Chasin R 9-11 WI 523
LIN331H1 F Syntactic Theory S. Béjar M 13-16 UC 52
LIN341H1 F Semantic Theory G. Thomas T 12-14
R 12-13
UC 244
LIN362H1 F Historical Linguistics A. Nazarov T 17-20 SS 1084
JLP374H1 F Psychology of Language D. Heller R 13-16 LM 161
JAL401H1 F
LEC 0101
Field Linguistics S. Lima M 16-18
W 16-18
BL 113
JAL401H1 F
LEC 0102
Field Linguistics S. Lima T 14-16
R 14-16
SS 2119
LIN432H1 F Advanced Morphology S. Béjar W 10-12 SS 2112
LIN456H1 F Language Variation and Change N. Nagy T 15-17
R 16-17
SS 561
LIN458H1 F Revitalizing Languages B.J. Maracle W 10-12 HI CART
JLS472H1 F Child Language Disorders E. Hall W 13-16 RU 453
JLS476H1 F Linguistics in the Workforce:
Clinical Practice and Research
S. Ng T 10-13 RU 453


Winter 2019

Course Code Title Instructor Day/Time Room
TBB199H1 S
LEC 0281
Exploring Heritage Languages N. Nagy W 10-12 UC D301
LIN102H1 S
LEC 0101
Introduction to Linguistics:
Sentence Structure and Meaning
S. Béjar T 13-15 OI G162
LIN102H1 S
LEC 5101
Introduction to Linguistics:
Sentence Structure and Meaning
S. Béjar T 18-20 OI G162
LIN200H1 S Introduction to Language N. Sanders R 19-21 PB B150
LIN204H1 S English Grammar D. Milway R 19-21 ES 1050
LIN229H1 S Sound Patterns in Language A. Nazarov M 10-12 RW 117
LIN241H1 S Introduction to Semantics G. Thomas R 15-17 SS 2118
LIN251H1 S Introduction to Sociolinguistics M. Brook W 15-17 SS 2118
LIN305H1 S Quantitative Methods in Linguistics N. Sanders M 13-14
W 13-15
CR 325
LIN306H1 S Language Diversity and Language Universals S. Lima W 10-13 RW 142
JLP315H1 S Language Acquisition H. Yawney W 16-19 SS 2102
LIN322H1 S Phonological Theory P. Jurgec T 13-14
R 13-15
SS 2105
JAL328H1 S Writing Systems K. Nara R 18-21 LM 162
LIN333H1 S Morphological Patterns in Language N. LaCara M 9-12 BF 215
LIN351H1 S Sociolinguistic Patterns in Language M. Brook R 10-12 SS 1069
LIN451H1 S Urban Dialectology J.K. Chambers R 15-17 SS 2105
JLP471H1 S Advanced Psycholinguistics D. Heller R 10-12 ES 4000
LIN481H1 S Introduction to Analysis and Argumentation K. Moulton M 15-17
W 15-16
KP 113
LIN490H1 S Special Topics: Computational Phonology A. Nazarov T 15-17 CR 325

Fall 2017

Course Code Title Instructor Day/Time Room
TBB199H1 F
LEC 0281
Analyzing Speech Sounds A. Kochetov W 10-12 RW 109
TBB199H1 F
LEC 0282
Language in Canadian Society J.K. Chambers W 14-16 SK 348
LIN101H1 F
LEC 0101
Introduction to Linguistics:
Sound Structure
P. Jurgec T 13-15 OI G162
LIN101H1 F
LEC 5101
Introduction to Linguistics:
Sound Structure
P. Jurgec T 18-20 BA 1160
LIN200H1 F Introduction to Language N. Sanders R 19-21 PB B150
LIN203H1 F English Words R. Godfrey T 19-21 PB B150
LIN228H1 F Phonetics A. Kochetov M 14-16 RW 117
LIN232H1 F Syntactic Patterns in Language C. Forbes R 15-17 LM 161
LIN305H1 F Quantitative Methods N. Sanders M 14-16
W 14-15
CR 325
LIN322H1 F Phonological Theory P. Jurgec M 10-13 UC 330
LIN323H1 F Acoustic Phonetics M. Chasin T 10-12 EM 108
LIN333H1 F Morphological Patterns in Language S. Béjar R 15-18 GB 220
LIN341H1 F Semantic Theory M. Ippolito T 14-16
R 14-15
AB 114
PRT368H1 F Brazilian Indigenous Languages S. Lima T 17-19 NF 332
JLP374H1 F Psychology of Language D. Heller W 10-13 SS 1073
JAL401H1 F
LEC 0101
Field Linguistics G. Thomas M 16-18
W 16-18
SS 2125
JAL401H1 F
LEC 5101
Field Linguistics S. Lima M 18:30-20:30
W 16-18
BL 113
LIN409H1 F Structure of a Specific Language K. Rice M 12-14 SS 2114
LIN432H1 F Advanced Morphology N. LaCara W 13-15 UC 67
LIN456H1 F Language Variation and Change N. Nagy M 10-12
W 10-11
SS 561
JLS473H1 F Adult Speech and Language Disorders L. Ellwood W 13-16 RU 420
JLS476H1 F Linguistics in the Workforce:
Clinical Practice and Research
S. Ng M 14-17 RU 420


Winter 2018

Course Code Title Instructor Day/Time Room
TBB199H1 S
LEC 0282
Language and Mind M. Ippolito R 10-12 SS 2120
TBB199H1 S
LEC 0283
Language in Canadian Society J.K. Chambers W 14-16 BL 113
LIN102H1 S
LEC 0101
Introduction to Linguistics:
Sentence Structure and Meaning
N. LaCara T 13-15 BR 200
LIN102H1 S
LEC 5101
Introduction to Linguistics:
Sentence Structure and Meaning
N. LaCara T 18-20 MS 3154
LIN200H1 S Introduction to Language N. Sanders R 19-21 PB B150
LIN201H1 S Canadian English R. Maddeaux M 18-20 SS 2105
LIN204H1 S English Grammar P. Howson T 19-21 PB B150
LIN229H1 S Sound Patterns in Language J. Chociej M 14-16 LM 162
LIN241H1 S Introduction to Semantics G. Thomas R 14-16 RW 110
LIN251H1 S Introduction to Sociolinguistics N. Nagy W 10-12 UC 140
LIN306H1 S Language Diversity and Language Universals S. Lima R 14-16 UC 152
JLP315H1 S Language Acquisition E. Hall W 14-17 SS 2135
JAL328H1 S Writing Systems R. Craioveanu R 18-21 LM 161
LIN331H1 S Syntactic Theory N. LaCara M 10-11
W 10-12
SS 2110
LIN351H1 S Sociolinguistic Patterns S. Tagliamonte R 10-12 ES B142
LIN362H1 S Historical Linguistics A. Kochetov T 13-16 RW 140
LIN423H1 S Phonetic Analysis A. Kochetov W 12-15 RW 107
LIN458H1 S Revitalizing Language B.J. Maracle W 18-20 SS 2114
JLP471H1 S Advanced Psycholinguistics D. Heller M 10-12 UC 65
LIN481H1 S Introduction to Analysis and Argumentation S. Béjar T 16-17
R 15-17
UC 144